.. _aiopg-core: ==================== Core API Reference ==================== .. module:: aiopg :synopsis: A library for accessing a PostgreSQL database from the asyncio .. currentmodule:: aiopg .. _aiopg-core-connection: Connection ========== The library provides a way to connect to :term:`PostgreSQL` database. Example:: async def go(): conn = await aiopg.connect(database='aiopg', user='aiopg', password='secret', host='') cur = await conn.cursor() await cur.execute("SELECT * FROM tbl") ret = await cur.fetchall() .. cofunction:: connect(dsn=None, *, timeout=60.0, \ enable_json=True, enable_hstore=True, \ enable_uuid=True, \ echo=False, \ **kwargs) :coroutine: :async-with: Make a connection to :term:`PostgreSQL` server. The function accepts all parameters that :func:`psycopg2.connect` does plus optional keyword-only *timeout* parameter. :param float timeout: default timeout (in seconds) for connection operations. 60 secs by default. :param bool enable_json: enable json column types for connection. ``True`` by default. :param bool enable_hstore: try to enable hstore column types for connection. ``True`` by default. For using HSTORE columns extension should be installed in database first:: CREATE EXTENSION HSTORE :param bool enable_uuid: enable uuid column types for connection. ``True`` by default. :param bool echo: log executed SQL statement (``False`` by default). :returns: :class:`Connection` instance. .. class:: Connection A connection to a :term:`PostgreSQL` database instance. It encapsulates a database session. Its insterface is very close to :class:`psycopg2.connection` (http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/connection.html) except all methods are :ref:`coroutines `. Use :func:`connect` for creating connection. The most important method is .. comethod:: cursor(name=None, cursor_factory=None, \ scrollable=None, withhold=False, *, timeout=None) :coroutine: :async-with: Creates a new cursor object using the connection. The only *cursor_factory* can be specified, all other parameters are not supported by :term:`psycopg2-binary` in asynchronous mode yet. The *cursor_factory* argument can be used to create non-standard cursors. The argument must be a subclass of `psycopg2.extensions.cursor`. See :ref:`subclassing-cursor` for details. A default factory for the connection can also be specified using the :attr:`Connection.cursor_factory` attribute. *timeout* is a timeout for returned cursor instance if parameter is not `None`. *name*, *scrollable* and *withhold* parameters are not supported by :term:`psycopg2-binary` in asynchronous mode. :returns: :class:`Cursor` instance. .. method:: close() Immediatelly close the connection. Close the connection now (rather than whenever ``del`` is executed). The connection will be unusable from this point forward; an :exc:`psycopg2.InterfaceError` will be raised if any operation is attempted with the connection. The same applies to all cursor objects trying to use the connection. Note that closing a connection without committing the changes first will cause any pending change to be discarded as if a ``ROLLBACK`` was performed. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 :meth:`close` is regular function now. For sake of backward compatibility the method returns :class:`asyncio.Future` instance with result already set to ``None`` (you still can use ``await conn.close()`` construction. .. attribute:: closed The readonly property that returns ``True`` if connections is closed. .. method:: free_cursor() Call method :meth:`Cursor.closed` for current instance :class:`Connection` .. attribute:: closed_cursor Return attribute :attr:`Cursor.closed` for current instance :class:`Connection`. .. attribute:: echo Return *echo mode* status. Log all executed queries to logger named ``aiopg`` if ``True`` .. attribute:: raw The readonly property that underlying :class:`psycopg2.connection` instance. .. comethod:: cancel() .. versionchanged:: 1.2.0 Not supported in asynchronous mode (:exc:`psycopg2.ProgrammingError` is raised). .. attribute:: dsn The readonly property that returns *dsn* string used by the connection. .. attribute:: autocommit Autocommit mode status for connection (always ``True``). .. note:: :term:`psycopg2-binary` doesn't allow to change *autocommit* mode in asynchronous mode. .. attribute:: encoding Client encoding for SQL operations. .. note:: :term:`psycopg2-binary` doesn't allow to change encoding in asynchronous mode. .. attribute:: isolation_level Get the transaction isolation level for the current session. .. note:: The only value allowed in asynchronous mode value is :const:`psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED` (``READ COMMITTED``). .. attribute:: notices A list containing all the database messages sent to the client during the session:: >>> await cur.execute("CREATE TABLE foo (id serial PRIMARY KEY);") >>> pprint(conn.notices) ['NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "foo_pkey" for table "foo"\n', 'NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "foo_id_seq" for serial column "foo.id"\n'] To avoid a leak in case excessive notices are generated, only the last 50 messages are kept. You can configure what messages to receive using `PostgreSQL logging configuration parameters`__ such as ``log_statement``, ``client_min_messages``, ``log_min_duration_statement`` etc. .. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/runtime-config-logging.html .. attribute:: cursor_factory The default cursor factory used by `Connection.cursor()` if the parameter is not specified. .. method:: get_backend_pid() Returns the process ID (PID) of the backend server process handling this connection. Note that the PID belongs to a process executing on the database server host, not the local host! .. seealso:: libpq docs for `PQbackendPID()`__ for details. .. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-status.html#LIBPQ-PQBACKENDPID .. method:: get_parameter_status(parameter) Look up a current parameter setting of the server. Potential values for ``parameter`` are: ``server_version``, ``server_encoding``, ``client_encoding``, ``is_superuser``, ``session_authorization``, ``DateStyle``, ``TimeZone``, ``integer_datetimes``, and ``standard_conforming_strings``. If server did not report requested parameter, return ``None``. .. seealso:: libpq docs for `PQparameterStatus()`__ for details. .. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-status.html#LIBPQ-PQPARAMETERSTATUS .. method:: get_transaction_status() Return the current session transaction status as an integer. Symbolic constants for the values are defined in the module `psycopg2.extensions`: see :ref:`transaction-status-constants` for the available values. .. seealso:: libpq docs for `PQtransactionStatus()`__ for details. .. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-status.html#LIBPQ-PQTRANSACTIONSTATUS .. attribute:: protocol_version A read-only integer representing frontend/backend protocol being used. Currently Psycopg supports only protocol 3, which allows connection to PostgreSQL server from version 7.4. Psycopg versions previous than 2.3 support both protocols 2 and 3. .. seealso:: libpq docs for `PQprotocolVersion()`__ for details. .. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-status.html#LIBPQ-PQPROTOCOLVERSION .. attribute:: server_version A read-only integer representing the backend version. The number is formed by converting the major, minor, and revision numbers into two-decimal-digit numbers and appending them together. For example, version 8.1.5 will be returned as ``80105``. .. seealso:: libpq docs for `PQserverVersion()`__ for details. .. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-status.html#LIBPQ-PQSERVERVERSION .. attribute:: status A read-only integer representing the status of the connection. Symbolic constants for the values are defined in the module `psycopg2.extensions`: see :ref:`connection-status-constants` for the available values. The status is undefined for *closed* connectons. .. attribute:: timeout A read-only float representing default timeout for connection's operations. .. attribute:: notifies An instance of an :class:`asyncio.Queue` subclass for received notifications. .. seealso:: :ref:`aiopg-core-notifications` The :class:`Connection` class also has several methods not described here. Those methods are not supported in asynchronous mode (:exc:`psycopg2.ProgrammingError` is raised). .. _aiopg-core-cursor: Cursor ====== .. class:: Cursor A cursor for connection. Allows Python code to execute :term:`PostgreSQL` command in a database session. Cursors are created by the :meth:`Connection.cursor` coroutine: they are bound to the connection for the entire lifetime and all the commands are executed in the context of the database session wrapped by the connection. Cursors that are created from the same connection are not isolated, i.e., any changes done to the database by a cursor are immediately visible by the other cursors. Cursors created from different connections can or can not be isolated, depending on the connections’ isolation level. Its insterface is very close to :class:`psycopg2.cursor` (http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/cursor.html) except all methods are :ref:`coroutines `. Use :meth:`Connection.cursor()` for getting cursor for connection. .. attribute:: echo Return *echo mode* status. Log all executed queries to logger named ``aiopg`` if ``True`` .. attribute:: description This read-only attribute is a sequence of 7-item sequences. Each of these sequences is a :func:`collections.namedtuple` containing information describing one result column: 0. *name*: the name of the column returned. 1. *type_code*: the PostgreSQL OID of the column. You can use the |pg_type|_ system table to get more informations about the type. This is the value used by Psycopg to decide what Python type use to represent the value. See also :ref:`type-casting-from-sql-to-python`. 2. *display_size*: the actual length of the column in bytes. Obtaining this value is computationally intensive, so it is always ``None`` unless the :envvar:`PSYCOPG_DISPLAY_SIZE` parameter is set at compile time. See also PQgetlength_. 3. *internal_size*: the size in bytes of the column associated to this column on the server. Set to a negative value for variable-size types See also PQfsize_. 4. *precision*: total number of significant digits in columns of type |NUMERIC|_. ``None`` for other types. 5. *scale*: count of decimal digits in the fractional part in columns of type |NUMERIC|. ``None`` for other types. 6. *null_ok*: always ``None`` as not easy to retrieve from the libpq. This attribute will be ``None`` for operations that do not return rows or if the cursor has not had an operation invoked via the :meth:`execute` method yet. .. |pg_type| replace:: ``pg_type`` .. _pg_type: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/catalog-pg-type.html .. _PQgetlength: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-exec.html#LIBPQ-PQGETLENGTH .. _PQfsize: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-exec.html#LIBPQ-PQFSIZE .. _NUMERIC: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-numeric.html#DATATYPE-NUMERIC-DECIMAL .. |NUMERIC| replace:: ``NUMERIC`` .. method:: close() Close the cursor now (rather than whenever ``del`` is executed). The cursor will be unusable from this point forward; an :exc:`psycopg2.InterfaceError` will be raised if any operation is attempted with the cursor. .. note:: :meth:`close` is not a :ref:`coroutine `, you don't need to wait it via ``await curs.close()``. .. attribute:: closed Read-only boolean attribute: specifies if the cursor is closed (``True``) or not (``False``). .. attribute:: raw The readonly property that underlying :class:`psycopg2.cursor` instance. .. attribute:: connection Read-only attribute returning a reference to the :class:`Connection` object on which the cursor was created. .. attribute:: timeout A read-only float representing default timeout for cursor's operations. .. comethod:: execute(operation, parameters=None, *, timeout=None) Prepare and execute a database operation (query or command). Parameters may be provided as sequence or mapping and will be bound to variables in the operation. Variables are specified either with positional (``%s``) or named (:samp:`%({name})s`) placeholders. See :ref:`query-parameters`. :param float timeout: overrides cursor's timeout if not ``None``. :returns: ``None``. If a query was executed, the returned values can be retrieved using |fetch*|_ methods. .. comethod:: callproc(procname, parameters=None, *, timeout=None) Call a stored database procedure with the given name. The sequence of parameters must contain one entry for each argument that the procedure expects. The result of the call is returned as modified copy of the input sequence. Input parameters are left untouched, output and input/output parameters replaced with possibly new values. The procedure may also provide a result set as output. This must then be made available through the standard |fetch*|_ methods. :param float timeout: overrides cursor's timeout if not ``None``. .. method:: mogrify(operation, parameters=None) Returns a query string after arguments binding. The string returned is exactly the one that would be sent to the database running the :meth:`Cursor.execute` method or similar. The returned string is always a bytes string:: >>> cur.mogrify("INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES (%s, %s)", (42, 'bar')) "INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES (42, E'bar')" .. method:: setinputsizes(sizes) This method is exposed in compliance with the :term:`DBAPI`. It currently does nothing but it is safe to call it. .. |fetch*| replace:: ``fetch*()`` .. _fetch*: .. rubric:: Results retrieval methods The following methods are used to read data from the database after an :meth:`Cursor.execute` call. .. _cursor-iterable: Cursor object supports *asynchronous iteration* starting from Python 3.5:: await cursor.execute('SELECT key, value FROM tbl;') async for key, value in cursor: ... .. warning:: :class:`Cursor` objects do **not** support regular iteration (using ``for`` statement) since version 0.7. Iterable protocol in :class:`Cursor` hides ``await`` from user, witch should be explicit. Moreover iteration support is optional, according to PEP-249 (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/#iter). .. comethod:: fetchone() Fetch the next row of a query result set, returning a single tuple, or ``None`` when no more data is available:: >>> await cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = %s", (3,)) >>> await cur.fetchone() (3, 42, 'bar') A :exc:`psycopg2.ProgrammingError` is raised if the previous call to :meth:`execute` did not produce any result set or no call was issued yet. .. comethod:: fetchmany(size=cursor.arraysize) Fetch the next set of rows of a query result, returning a list of tuples. An empty list is returned when no more rows are available. The number of rows to fetch per call is specified by the parameter. If it is not given, the cursor's :attr:`Cursor.arraysize` determines the number of rows to be fetched. The method should try to fetch as many rows as indicated by the size parameter. If this is not possible due to the specified number of rows not being available, fewer rows may be returned:: >>> await cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test;") >>> await cur.fetchmany(2) [(1, 100, "abc'def"), (2, None, 'dada')] >>> await cur.fetchmany(2) [(3, 42, 'bar')] >>> await cur.fetchmany(2) [] A :exc:`psycopg2.ProgrammingError` is raised if the previous call to :meth:`execute` did not produce any result set or no call was issued yet. Note there are performance considerations involved with the size parameter. For optimal performance, it is usually best to use the :attr:`Cursor.arraysize` attribute. If the size parameter is used, then it is best for it to retain the same value from one :meth:`fetchmany` call to the next. .. comethod:: fetchall() Fetch all (remaining) rows of a query result, returning them as a list of tuples. An empty list is returned if there is no more record to fetch:: >>> await cur.execute("SELECT * FROM test;") >>> await cur.fetchall() [(1, 100, "abc'def"), (2, None, 'dada'), (3, 42, 'bar')] A :exc:`psycopg2.ProgrammingError` is raised if the previous call to :meth:`execute` did not produce any result set or no call was issued yet. .. comethod:: scroll(value, mode='relative') Scroll the cursor in the result set to a new position according to mode. If *mode* is ``relative`` (default), value is taken as offset to the current position in the result set, if set to ``absolute``, value states an absolute target position. If the scroll operation would leave the result set, a :exc:`psycopg2.ProgrammingError` is raised and the cursor position is not changed. .. note:: According to the :term:`DBAPI`, the exception raised for a cursor out of bound should have been :exc:`IndexError`. The best option is probably to catch both exceptions in your code:: try: await cur.scroll(1000 * 1000) except (ProgrammingError, IndexError), exc: deal_with_it(exc) .. attribute:: arraysize This read/write attribute specifies the number of rows to fetch at a time with :meth:`Cursor.fetchmany`. It defaults to 1 meaning to fetch a single row at a time. .. attribute:: rowcount This read-only attribute specifies the number of rows that the last :meth:`execute` produced (for :abbr:`DQL (Data Query Language)` statements like ``SELECT``) or affected (for :abbr:`DML (Data Manipulation Language)` statements like ``UPDATE`` or ``INSERT``). The attribute is *-1* in case no :meth:`execute` has been performed on the cursor or the row count of the last operation if it can't be determined by the interface. .. note:: The :term:`DBAPI` interface reserves to redefine the latter case to have the object return ``None`` instead of *-1* in future versions of the specification. .. attribute:: rownumber This read-only attribute provides the current 0-based index of the cursor in the result set or ``None`` if the index cannot be determined. The index can be seen as index of the cursor in a sequence (the result set). The next fetch operation will fetch the row indexed by ``rownumber`` in that sequence. .. attribute:: lastrowid This read-only attribute provides the OID of the last row inserted by the cursor. If the table wasn't created with OID support or the last operation is not a single record insert, the attribute is set to ``None``. .. note:: PostgreSQL currently advices to not create OIDs on the tables and the default for |CREATE-TABLE|__ is to not support them. The |INSERT-RETURNING|__ syntax available from PostgreSQL 8.3 allows more flexibility. .. |CREATE-TABLE| replace:: ``CREATE TABLE`` .. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-createtable.html .. |INSERT-RETURNING| replace:: ``INSERT ... RETURNING`` .. __: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-insert.html .. attribute:: query Read-only attribute containing the body of the last query sent to the backend (including bound arguments) as bytes string. ``None`` if no query has been executed yet:: >>> await cur.execute("INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES (%s, %s)", (42, 'bar')) >>> cur.query "INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES (42, E'bar')" .. attribute:: statusmessage Read-only attribute containing the message returned by the last command:: >>> await cur.execute("INSERT INTO test (num, data) VALUES (%s, %s)", (42, 'bar')) >>> cur.statusmessage 'INSERT 0 1' .. attribute:: tzinfo_factory The time zone factory used to handle data types such as ``TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE``. It should be a `datetime.tzinfo` object. A few implementations are available in the ``psycopg2.tz`` module. .. method:: setoutputsize(size, column=None) This method is exposed in compliance with the :term:`DBAPI`. It currently does nothing but it is safe to call it. .. comethod:: begin() Begin a transaction and return a transaction handle. The returned object is an instance of :class:`._TransactionBeginContextManager`.:: async def begin(engine): async with engine.cursor() as cur: async with cur.begin(): await cur.execute("insert into tbl values(1, 'data')") async with cur.begin(): await cur.execute('select * from tbl') row = await cur.fetchall() assert row == [(22, 'read only'), (1, 'data'), ] .. comethod:: begin_nested() Begin a nested transaction and return a transaction handle. The returned object is an instance of :class:`._TransactionBeginContextManager`. Any transaction in the hierarchy may ``commit`` and ``rollback``, however the outermost transaction still controls the overall ``commit`` or ``rollback`` of the transaction of a whole. It utilizes SAVEPOINT facility of :term:`PostgreSQL` server:: async def begin_nested(engine): async with engine.cursor() as cur: async with cur.begin_nested(): await cur.execute("insert into tbl values(1, 'data')") try: async with cur.begin_nested(): await cur.execute("insert into tbl values(1/0, 'no data')") except psycopg2.DataError: pass async with cur.begin_nested(): await cur.execute("insert into tbl values(2, 'data')") async with cur.begin_nested(): await cur.execute('select * from tbl') row = await cur.fetchall() assert row == [(22, 'read only'), (1, 'data'), (2, 'data'), ] .. _aiopg-core-pool: Pool ==== The library provides *connection pool* as well as plain :class:`Connection` objects. The basic usage is:: import asyncio import aiopg dsn = 'dbname=jetty user=nick password=1234 host=localhost port=5432' async def test_select(): pool = await aiopg.create_pool(dsn) with (await pool.cursor()) as cur: await cur.execute('SELECT 1') ret = await cur.fetchone() assert ret == (1,), ret .. cofunction:: create_pool(dsn=None, *, minsize=1, maxsize=10,\ enable_json=True, enable_hstore=True, \ enable_uuid=True, echo=False, on_connect=None, \ timeout=60.0, **kwargs) :coroutine: :async-with: Create a pool of connections to :term:`PostgreSQL` database. The function accepts all parameters that :func:`psycopg2.connect` does plus optional keyword-only parameters *minsize*, *maxsize*. :param int minsize: minimum size of the *pool*, ``1`` by default. :param int maxsize: maximum sizes of the *pool*, ``10`` by default. ``0`` means unlimited pool size. :param float timeout: a default timeout (in seconds) for connection operations. ``60`` secs by default. :param bool enable_json: enable json column types for connections created by the pool, enabled by default. :param bool enable_hstore: enable hstore column types for connections created by the pool, enabled by default. For using HSTORE columns extension should be installed in database first:: CREATE EXTENSION HSTORE :param bool enable_uuid: enable UUID column types for connections created by the pool, enabled by default. :param bool echo: executed log SQL queryes (disabled by default). :param on_connect: a *callback coroutine* executed once for every created connection. May be used for setting up connection level state like client encoding etc. :param float pool_recycle: number of seconds after which connection is recycled, helps to deal with stale connections in pool, default value is ``-1``, means recycling logic is disabled. :return: :class:`Pool` instance. .. class:: Pool A connection pool. After creation pool has *minsize* free connections and can grow up to *maxsize* ones. If *minsize* is ``0`` the pool doesn't creates any connection on startup. If *maxsize* is ``0`` than size of pool is unlimited (but it recycles used connections of course). The most important way to use it is getting connection in *with statement*:: async with pool as conn: cur = await conn.cursor() and shortcut for getting *cursor* directly:: async with pool.cursor() as cur: await cur.execute('SELECT 1') See also :meth:`Pool.acquire` and :meth:`Pool.release` for acquiring *connection* without *with statement*. .. attribute:: echo Return *echo mode* status. Log all executed queries to logger named ``aiopg`` if ``True`` .. attribute:: minsize A minimal size of the pool (*read-only*), ``1`` by default. .. attribute:: maxsize A maximal size of the pool (*read-only*), ``10`` by default. .. attribute:: size A current size of the pool (*readonly*). Includes used and free connections. .. attribute:: freesize A count of free connections in the pool (*readonly*). .. attribute:: timeout A read-only float representing default timeout for operations for connections from pool. .. comethod:: from_pool_fill(*args, **kwargs) :coroutine: :classmethod: The method is a :ref:`coroutine `. Constructor for filling the free pool with connections, the number is controlled by the :attr:`minsize` parameter .. method:: clear() A :ref:`coroutine ` that closes all *free* connections in the pool. At next connection acquiring at least :attr:`minsize` of them will be recreated. .. method:: close() Close pool. Mark all pool connections to be closed on getting back to pool. Closed pool doesn't allow to acquire new connections. If you want to wait for actual closing of acquired connection please call :meth:`wait_closed` after :meth:`close`. .. warning:: The method is not a :ref:`coroutine `. .. method:: terminate() Terminate pool. Close pool with instantly closing all acquired connections also. :meth:`wait_closed` should be called after :meth:`terminate` for waiting for actual finishing. .. warning:: The method is not a :ref:`coroutine `. .. comethod:: wait_closed() Wait for releasing and closing all acquired connections. Should be called after :meth:`close` for waiting for actual pool closing. .. comethod:: acquire() :coroutine: :async-with: Acquire a connection from *free pool*. Create a new connection if needed and :attr:`size` of pool is less than :attr:`maxsize`. Returns a :class:`Connection` instance. .. warning:: nested ``acquire()`` might lead to deadlocks. .. method:: release(conn) A :ref:`coroutine ` that reverts connection *conn* to *free pool* for future recycling. .. versionchanged:: 0.10 The method is converted into a coroutine to get exception context in case of errors. The change is backward compatible though since technically it's a regular method returning a future instance. .. method:: cursor(name=None, cursor_factory=None, scrollable=None, \ withhold=False, *, timeout=None) A :ref:`coroutine` that :meth:`acquires ` a connection and returns *context manager*. The only *cursor_factory* can be specified, all other parameters are not supported by :term:`psycopg2-binary` in asynchronous mode yet. The *cursor_factory* argument can be used to create non-standard cursors. The argument must be a subclass of `psycopg2.extensions.cursor`. See :ref:`subclassing-cursor` for details. A default factory for the connection can also be specified using the :attr:`Connection.cursor_factory` attribute. *timeout* is a timeout for returned cursor instance if parameter is not `None`. *name*, *scrollable* and *withhold* parameters are not supported by :term:`psycopg2-binary` in asynchronous mode. The usage is:: async with pool.cursor() as cur: await cur.execute('SELECT 1') After exiting from *with block* cursor *cur* will be closed. .. _aiopg-core-exceptions: Exceptions ========== Any call to library function, method or property can raise an exception. :mod:`aiopg` doesn't define any exception class itself, it reuses :ref:`DBAPI Exceptions ` from :mod:`psycopg2-binary` .. _aiopg-core-transactions: Transactions ============ While :term:`psycopg2-binary` asynchronous connections have to be in *autocommit mode* it is still possible to use SQL transactions executing **BEGIN** and **COMMIT** statements manually as `Psycopg Asynchronous Support docs`_ . :meth:`Connection.commit` and :meth:`Connection.rollback` methods are disabled and always raises :exc:`psycopg2.ProgrammingError` exception. .. _Psycopg Asynchronous Support docs: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/advanced.html#asynchronous-support .. _aiopg-core-extension-type-translations: Extension type translations =========================== JSON ---- :mod:`aiopg` has support for ``JSON`` data type enabled by default. For pushing data to server please wrap json dict into :class:`psycopg2.extras.Json`:: from psycopg2.extras import Json data = {'a': 1, 'b': 'str'} await cur.execute("INSERT INTO tbl (val) VALUES (%s)", [Json(data)]) On receiving data from json column :term:`psycopg2-binary` autoconvers result into python :class:`dict` object:: await cur.execute("SELECT val FROM tbl") item = await cur.fetchone() assert item == {'b': 'str', 'a': 1} .. _aiopg-core-notifications: Server-side notifications ========================= Psycopg allows asynchronous interaction with other database sessions using the facilities offered by PostgreSQL commands `LISTEN`_ and `NOTIFY`_ . Please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for examples about how to use this form of communication. Notifications are instances of the :class:`~psycopg2.extensions.Notify` object made available upon reception in the connection.notifies list. Notifications can be sent from Python code simply executing a NOTIFY_ command in an :meth:`Cursor.execute` call. Receiving part should establish listening on notification channel by `LISTEN`_ call and wait notification events from :attr:`Connection.notifies` queue. .. note:: calling `await connection.notifies.get()` may raise a psycopg2 exception if the underlying connection gets disconnected while you're waiting for notifications. There is usage example: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/notify.py .. _LISTEN: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-listen.html .. _NOTIFY: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-notify.html