Source code for aiopg.pool

import asyncio
import collections
import warnings
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

import async_timeout
import psycopg2.extensions

from .connection import TIMEOUT, Connection, Cursor, connect
from .utils import _ContextManager, create_completed_future, get_running_loop

[docs]def create_pool( dsn: Optional[str] = None, *, minsize: int = 1, maxsize: int = 10, timeout: float = TIMEOUT, pool_recycle: float = -1.0, enable_json: bool = True, enable_hstore: bool = True, enable_uuid: bool = True, echo: bool = False, on_connect: Optional[Callable[[Connection], Awaitable[None]]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> _ContextManager["Pool"]: coro = Pool.from_pool_fill( dsn, minsize, maxsize, timeout, enable_json=enable_json, enable_hstore=enable_hstore, enable_uuid=enable_uuid, echo=echo, on_connect=on_connect, pool_recycle=pool_recycle, **kwargs, ) return _ContextManager[Pool](coro, _destroy_pool)
async def _destroy_pool(pool: "Pool") -> None: pool.close() await pool.wait_closed() class _PoolConnectionContextManager: """Context manager. This enables the following idiom for acquiring and releasing a connection around a block: async with pool as conn: cur = await conn.cursor() while failing loudly when accidentally using: with pool: <block> """ __slots__ = ("_pool", "_conn") def __init__(self, pool: "Pool", conn: Connection): self._pool: Optional[Pool] = pool self._conn: Optional[Connection] = conn def __enter__(self) -> Connection: assert self._conn return self._conn def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: if self._pool is None or self._conn is None: return try: self._pool.release(self._conn) finally: self._pool = None self._conn = None async def __aenter__(self) -> Connection: assert self._conn return self._conn async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: if self._pool is None or self._conn is None: return try: await self._pool.release(self._conn) finally: self._pool = None self._conn = None class _PoolCursorContextManager: """Context manager. This enables the following idiom for acquiring and releasing a cursor around a block: async with pool.cursor() as cur: await cur.execute("SELECT 1") while failing loudly when accidentally using: with pool: <block> """ __slots__ = ("_pool", "_conn", "_cursor") def __init__(self, pool: "Pool", conn: Connection, cursor: Cursor): self._pool = pool self._conn = conn self._cursor = cursor def __enter__(self) -> Cursor: return self._cursor def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: try: self._cursor.close() except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: # seen instances where the cursor fails to close: # # We close it here so we don't return a bad connection to the pool self._conn.close() raise finally: try: self._pool.release(self._conn) finally: self._pool = None # type: ignore self._conn = None # type: ignore self._cursor = None # type: ignore
[docs]class Pool: """Connection pool""" def __init__( self, dsn: str, minsize: int, maxsize: int, timeout: float, *, enable_json: bool, enable_hstore: bool, enable_uuid: bool, echo: bool, on_connect: Optional[Callable[[Connection], Awaitable[None]]], pool_recycle: float, **kwargs: Any, ): if minsize < 0: raise ValueError("minsize should be zero or greater") if maxsize < minsize and maxsize != 0: raise ValueError("maxsize should be not less than minsize") self._dsn = dsn self._minsize = minsize self._loop = get_running_loop() self._timeout = timeout self._recycle = pool_recycle self._enable_json = enable_json self._enable_hstore = enable_hstore self._enable_uuid = enable_uuid self._echo = echo self._on_connect = on_connect self._conn_kwargs = kwargs self._acquiring = 0 self._free: Deque[Connection] = collections.deque( maxlen=maxsize or None ) self._cond = asyncio.Condition() self._used: Set[Connection] = set() self._terminated: Set[Connection] = set() self._closing = False self._closed = False @property def echo(self) -> bool: return self._echo @property def minsize(self) -> int: return self._minsize @property def maxsize(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._free.maxlen @property def size(self) -> int: return self.freesize + len(self._used) + self._acquiring @property def freesize(self) -> int: return len(self._free) @property def timeout(self) -> float: return self._timeout
[docs] async def clear(self) -> None: """Close all free connections in pool.""" async with self._cond: while self._free: conn = self._free.popleft() await conn.close() self._cond.notify()
@property def closed(self) -> bool: return self._closed
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close pool. Mark all pool connections to be closed on getting back to pool. Closed pool doesn't allow to acquire new connections. """ if self._closed: return self._closing = True
[docs] def terminate(self) -> None: """Terminate pool. Close pool with instantly closing all acquired connections also. """ self.close() for conn in list(self._used): conn.close() self._terminated.add(conn) self._used.clear()
[docs] async def wait_closed(self) -> None: """Wait for closing all pool's connections.""" if self._closed: return if not self._closing: raise RuntimeError( ".wait_closed() should be called " "after .close()" ) while self._free: conn = self._free.popleft() await conn.close() async with self._cond: while self.size > self.freesize: await self._cond.wait() self._closed = True
[docs] def acquire(self) -> _ContextManager[Connection]: """Acquire free connection from the pool.""" coro = self._acquire() return _ContextManager[Connection](coro, self.release)
[docs] @classmethod async def from_pool_fill(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "Pool": """constructor for filling the free pool with connections, the number is controlled by the minsize parameter """ self = cls(*args, **kwargs) if self._minsize > 0: async with self._cond: await self._fill_free_pool(False) return self
async def _acquire(self) -> Connection: if self._closing: raise RuntimeError("Cannot acquire connection after closing pool") async with async_timeout.timeout(self._timeout), self._cond: while True: await self._fill_free_pool(True) if self._free: conn = self._free.popleft() assert not conn.closed, conn assert conn not in self._used, (conn, self._used) self._used.add(conn) return conn else: await self._cond.wait() async def _fill_free_pool(self, override_min: bool) -> None: # iterate over free connections and remove timeouted ones n, free = 0, len(self._free) while n < free: conn = self._free[-1] if conn.closed: self._free.pop() elif -1 < self._recycle < self._loop.time() - conn.last_usage: await conn.close() self._free.pop() else: self._free.rotate() n += 1 while self.size < self.minsize: self._acquiring += 1 try: conn = await connect( self._dsn, timeout=self._timeout, enable_json=self._enable_json, enable_hstore=self._enable_hstore, enable_uuid=self._enable_uuid, echo=self._echo, **self._conn_kwargs, ) if self._on_connect is not None: await self._on_connect(conn) # raise exception if pool is closing self._free.append(conn) self._cond.notify() finally: self._acquiring -= 1 if self._free: return if override_min and (not self.maxsize or self.size < self.maxsize): self._acquiring += 1 try: conn = await connect( self._dsn, timeout=self._timeout, enable_json=self._enable_json, enable_hstore=self._enable_hstore, enable_uuid=self._enable_uuid, echo=self._echo, **self._conn_kwargs, ) if self._on_connect is not None: await self._on_connect(conn) # raise exception if pool is closing self._free.append(conn) self._cond.notify() finally: self._acquiring -= 1 async def _wakeup(self) -> None: async with self._cond: self._cond.notify()
[docs] def release(self, conn: Connection) -> "asyncio.Future[None]": """Release free connection back to the connection pool.""" future = create_completed_future(self._loop) if conn in self._terminated: assert conn.closed, conn self._terminated.remove(conn) return future assert conn in self._used, (conn, self._used) self._used.remove(conn) if conn.closed: return future transaction_status = conn.raw.get_transaction_status() if transaction_status != psycopg2.extensions.TRANSACTION_STATUS_IDLE: warnings.warn( f"Invalid transaction status on " f"released connection: {transaction_status}", ResourceWarning, ) conn.close() return future if self._closing: conn.close() else: self._free.append(conn) return asyncio.ensure_future(self._wakeup(), loop=self._loop)
[docs] async def cursor( self, name: Optional[str] = None, cursor_factory: Any = None, scrollable: Optional[bool] = None, withhold: bool = False, *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> _PoolCursorContextManager: conn = await self.acquire() cursor = await conn.cursor( name=name, cursor_factory=cursor_factory, scrollable=scrollable, withhold=withhold, timeout=timeout, ) return _PoolCursorContextManager(self, conn, cursor)
def __await__(self) -> Generator[Any, Any, _PoolConnectionContextManager]: # This is not a coroutine. It is meant to enable the idiom: # # with (await pool) as conn: # <block> # # as an alternative to: # # conn = await pool.acquire() # try: # <block> # finally: # conn.release() conn = yield from self._acquire().__await__() return _PoolConnectionContextManager(self, conn) def __enter__(self) -> "Pool": raise RuntimeError( '"await" should be used as context manager expression' ) def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: # This must exist because __enter__ exists, even though that # always raises; that's how the with-statement works. pass # pragma: nocover async def __aenter__(self) -> "Pool": return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: self.close() await self.wait_closed() def __del__(self) -> None: try: self._free except AttributeError: return # frame has been cleared, __dict__ is empty if self._free: left = 0 while self._free: conn = self._free.popleft() conn.close() left += 1 warnings.warn( f"Unclosed {left} connections in {self!r}", ResourceWarning )